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NDP - Macon, GA
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  • HURCH COORDINATORS (CCs) IN MACON-BIBB ARE SO SPECIAL AND HELPFUL IN PROMOTING ANNUAL NDP EVERY 1ST THURS. OF MAY; A MONTHLY PRAYER ALSO (ON 2ND WED.); & MONTHLY PASTORS LUNCH (ON 4TH THURS.).  There are many helps here on our CC Page for what to do for NDP, starting INTENTLY in Feb. & INTENSIFYING right up to NDP, always 1st Thurs. of May since 1988 when Comgress unanimously passed it be that time of year!  Here are also helps for 2ND WED. PRAYER!  Educate & motivate 2ND WED. about availability, scheduled on the lunch hour, keeping 2nd WED. PRAYER Fliers (here on Macon's NDP website) posted & details in church bulletins, thinking about arranging carpools to & from 2nd Wed. Prayer (like for NDP).  For 4TH THURS. PASTORS LUNCH, CCs ask their pastor if would like the monthly email invitation be sent to their email.  A CC could even offer to send thier pastor's email to & ask if there is any way they could help in their pastor's schedule for them to attend this special time that supports, encourages, offers opportunites of sharing, & has pray for them! 
  • CCs’ CONTRIBUTION & NDP SIGNIFICANCE  CCs encourage committing, with one's physical presence, at Macon's Annual NDP Public Event the power of corporate prayer on this desinated day greatly known in Macon for its COMMUNITY UNITY!  This once a year day serves to unite our hearts in prayer for our nation, for calling on God Who is so much more asounding than we comprehend at first & come to truly know He meets our every need!  NDP affirms us to place our faith in the unfailing character of our Creator Who is sovereign over all governments, authorities, people!  NDP can grow in participation and impact every year and meet goals of bringing God glory, pointing Christians and non-Christians to God, our best HOPE!
  • HOW ARE CCs SO BENEFICIAL IN GROWING OUR MACON NDP?  For quite a few years we have had in place our CC program & try each year to bring more CCs from more churches on board to join for (another CC description) "certain concerted" efforts!  We ask CCs to make aware this annual day is always the first Thursday of May & to literally "Save the Date" on personal calendars to not make doctor and other appointments.  CCs promote "Make the Extra Effort it Takes to Commit Idea", like going into work a little earlier and/or staying a little later to make up for any more few minutes the especially planned lunch hour Public Event is (actual Program is carefully timed 30 minutes).  The lunch hour could mean planning a carpool from work for co-workers, bringing lunch or getting drive through to eat on way to, or in, Rosa Parks Square.  Drivers are encouraged to let off at Rosa Parks and use downtown parking and shuttles partnerships to come back and join group.  CCs work with their church office to print Event Fliers (for posting at church & making available to congregation who may not have means to print off to give out) & getting NDP details in church bulletins and newsletters.  We see different ways how beneficial Church Coordinators are for our Macon NDP!  Whatever else their church may want to do for NDP, planning other time(s) than Midday Public Event emphasizes the NDP community unity.  And a terrific help to get some church members to commit to our NDP Public Event is CCs helping in the big, important CHURCH CARPOOLING PLANNING s from church, taking advantage of the wonderful logistic helps of downtown parking partnerships/church van shuttles to let passengers off at Event Site of Rosa Parks and drivers using parking/shuttles (details on NDP Fliers).  Seniors, handicapped, some not familiar with downtown, sweet church fellowship, taking folding chairs from church are all reasons CHURCH CARPOOLS are wonderful for growing NDP Public Event attendance!
  • CCs & NDP EVENT  CCs help to get the word out there is a National Day of Prayer since 1952, when Congress established an annual day of prayer.  And, in 1988, that law was unanimously amended by Congress designating  NDP as the first Thursday of May.  CCs increase the impact of Prayer and God's moving in hearts!  CCs can encourage sharing what is on Macon NDP Facebook (National Day of Prayer - Macon GA) to church and personal FB pages.  Asking a younger tech savvy family member to teach, or help do, if don't know how is the way to use this age of technology God has us living in for His glory!  Being aware during this day to stop and pray (sometimes with others) are NDP ideas!                                                                                                         
  • CCs ARE KEY FOR NDP  Church Coordinators are our “advertisements”.  Motivation to be part of NDP is all around us, with the challenges in America and in the world!  Prayer is for our nation's better future!  Church Coordinators help their pastors in their promotion of this amazingly powerful gift from our Heavenly Father & Savior, Jesus!  If you do not know already who is your Church CC (who should be a lay person, one other than on church staff), ask God would He identify one to you in your church, or two if your church is large!?  If God is identifying to you (or that it is you), please contact CC Leader, James Lewis, who will reach out to that lady or gentleman (or talk with you)!  Macon NDP Church Coordinator Leader James Lewis  229 315-3286                                                                                                                                                                            INVESTING IN HOPE…Transforming our nation through prayer!


CCs work to promote Macon's Annual National Day of Prayer always the 1st Thursday of May and Macon's Monthly 2nd Wednesday Prayer! Prayer Makes a Difference! Prayer Is powerful!

    Macon National Day of Prayer