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2nd Wed. Prayer!

A monthly Prayer Time was desired by the leaders of Macon's National Day of Prayer!  For many years now that time has gone on!  EVERY SECOND WEDNESDAY, noon to 1 p.m., in Room 205 of Macon-Bibb Government Center (formerly called City Hall), is when and where.  This time of day on the lunch hour is more convenient for most people.  Some work a little longer before or after their regular work hours to make up for travel time, etc.  We say, if you can't come for the whole time, come for the time possible!  We are grateful for a parking option offered us by nearby St. Joseph's in their corner lot to the left of the front of their sanctuary.  If second Wednesday is ever a holiday with government offices closed, we would meet there the next day.  If this location in Gov’t. Center needs to be changed, look for a notice temporarily posted on the Commissioners’ Chamber door for where we are meeting that particular day.

If you join us by phone, it is Free Conference Call 978 990-5000 and enter at the prompt 691214 #. 

We use Prayer Guides to pray by name for our public officials at every level of government—local, state, and national. These guides are sized to fit in one’s Bible.  We encourage the guides be duplicated and shared!  IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE AN EMAIL 2ND WED. REMINDER BCC, PLEASE REQUEST TO BE ADDED & PROVIDE YOUR E ADDRESS AT

Join us to corporately pray for our nation and leaders!  God commands in His Word we do this; and our praying makes a difference we may, or may not, see because we are placing our trust in the unfailing character of our Creator who is sovereign over all governments, authorities, and men.     



1 Timothy 2:1-4  I urge then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.


  • Go to which is the national website for the National Day of Prayer Task Force, located in Colorado, and look for information on Praying!


The following is written by John Bornschein

The key to successful prayer is the relationship that develops in and through this interstellar conversation. Sometimes we just need to listen, while other times require focused intercession, even repentance, praise and petition. If you want to know the will of God, it is discovered only through devotion to the Word through prayer. So, let’s pray as we have never prayed before and be united in One Voice.

Let’s Pray: "Lord, we live in a diverse country with blends of many cultures, faiths, and values. I pray that the power of Your Holy Spirit would move among us and tear down the barriers that divide us. May You breathe upon us and instill in us a desire for unity and agreement through a spirit of mutual respect and brotherly love. Forgive us for any discrimination or cynicism or cruelty or superior attitudes we may have harbored in our hearts. I ask You to help my own heart to be free to bring peace to others, to work together with others who don’t share my perspective, and to make a difference in the submission to Your will rather than be filled with criticism for leaders who do not share my values. I resist the cynical spirit that wants to creep in, and I choose to trust in Your sovereignty over all the situations that trouble me. Help me to remember to show proper respect to all people (I Peter 2:13,17) and to pray for them earnestly, serving as a witness to Your love.

Father, I pray that You will raise up godly and righteous men and women who are strong to stand up and represent Your values and purposes for our nation. May the right people find favor with the citizens and be voted into office, and may those who desire to be in office but lack the integrity be kept out. Give our leaders wisdom to govern and spirits that are willing to work together to do the best for our nation. Guide and bless them that they may enact such laws that please You, to the glory of Your name and the welfare of our people, through Jesus Christ our Lord. In Jesus' Name. Amen."


    Macon National Day of Prayer